Saturday, November 30, 2019
Leni Riefenstahls Triumph of the Will
Film/Cinema, in the context of movies and documentaries, is a modern visual art form that has had intense impact on our daily life for humanity has profoundly been affected by what it sees and hears via film or the motion picture experience. It utilizes the concept of simple story telling via a mesmerizing technical medium and its ability to influence is rooted in the utilization of images/impressions and imagery. Cinema has a social as well artistic function.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although the demand for imaginative entertainment is at an all time high, interest in the realities of the world is also on the rise. Documentaries address this interest because they are comprised of real people, world events, places, and social conditions – documenting history, reality. British film maker, John Grierson first coined the ter m in 1926. Prior to 1926, such films were referred to as â€Å"actuality†films and came on the scene at the turn of the 20th century as well. Like American director, D.W. Griffith’s film The Birth of a Nation/The Clansman (1915), German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will (1934) was considered masterful/innovative and ground-breaking for documentary filmmaking at that time. Triumph garnered her the accolade as one of the greatest female filmmakers of all time but most infamous. Chronicling the Nazi Party Congress held in Nuremberg (1934), Triumph of the Will (1935) catapulted the documentary as mode of propaganda designed to specifically argue a point and influence public opinion. â€Å"Documentary cinema is intimately tied to historical memory. Not only does it seek to reconstruct historical narrative, but it often functions as an historical document itself. Moreover, the connection between the rhetoric of documentary film and historical truth p ushes the documentary into overtly political alignments which influence its audience (1993Rabinowitw).†Triumph of the Will lionized Germany as a recurring superpower with Hitler at the helm as the authentic leader/savoir. This fundamental thematic message can be found in opening prologue – â€Å"20 years after the outbreak of the World War, 16 years after the beginning of German suffering, 19 months after the beginning of the German renaissance, Adolf Hitler flew again to Nuremberg to review the columns of his faithful followers (Triumph).†The opening scene further substantiates the message with an aerial view of Hitler’s plane flying through the majestic clouds and over various parts of Germany. He finally arrives in Nuremberg greeted by ecstatic supporters. The consequence of war is a people spiritually, mentally, and physically downtrodden and inept. Riefenstahl’s revolutionary use of cinematography (telephoto lenses, aerial photography, moving cameras, etc.) and music (German composer, Richard Wagner) epitomizes this escalating German Renaissance which has freed the German people from such a plight. It explains their fanaticism with Hitler.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Throughout the documentary German militaristic power, political religion, unity, and pride are highlighted. With these four elements as an integral force, one cannot ascertain a distinction between the German people, the state, and the Nazi Party. Riefenstahl vehemently denied the film served as a propaganda tool for the Nazi Party but rather was an historical film told through an aesthetic lens. Many critics purport differently. Just as Birth of a Nation reeked of racist negative/stereotypical portrayal of African- Americans and shaped the America’s public’s attitude/image about race, Triumph contributed to heightened negative perceptions of European Jewry and anti-Semitism. Hitler’s conquest for German purity emanates from his speeches as well those of his featured compatriots – Goring, Goebbels, etc. Could Riefenstahl have been that naà ¯ve and blind to Hitler’s maniacal plans that lay ahead? Objectivity has meaning but in reality it is greatly influenced by the filmmaker’s point of view via perceptions, emotions, etc. thereby determining the extent they can be biased or slant their point of view. Suffice to say, Triumph of the Will authenticated that film has the ability to influence as well as alter how people perceive themselves, aspects of their society/culture as well as other peoples and their culture. Work Cited Rabinowitz, Paula. â€Å"Wreckage upon Wreckage: History, Documentary and the Ruins of Memory.†History and Theory, Vol. 32, No. 2. (May, 1993), pp. 119-137. Triumph of the Will (Video). Web. This essay on Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will was written and submitted by user Kyle Hart to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Pressures to Be Thin Essays
Pressures to Be Thin Essays Pressures to Be Thin Essay Pressures to Be Thin Essay Models represent what clothes should look like on women. With the occupation relying purely on looks, models are under a lot of pressure from agents and designers to have the perfect body image. In western society, this image means that they all have to be thin. It affects not only the models, but also the public who desire to look like them. To achieve this size 0 body image, women often develop eating disorders or turn to drugs. To stop this epidemic, designers need to stop hiring waif looking models and instead hire women who promote a healthier image. Although, it is not just the models who need to change. It is society’s obsession with being thin and people’s constant dissatisfaction with their body images that more importantly needs adjusting. Models define beauty in western society. They dictate what the latest dress or bikini should look like on a woman. The creation behind the occupation of a model is that they are supposed to act like a clothes hanger or a porcelain model in a shop window. Their aim is to show off the clothes, not for the woman to show off herself. Kate Moss proved this definition recently when she modelled as a mannequin in a store window to promote her new clothing line. Moss is one of the highest paid supermodels in the world. Our society sees her as beautiful, sexy, successful and powerful, unlike overweight people who are seen as lazy, useless and unpopular. Having ribs, collarbones, hipbones, shoulder blades and spines showing has now become normal and accepted on catwalks. With models meeting the definition of beauty with these characteristics, our definition needs to change. Beauty should not represent bones or people starving themselves. To achieve our society’s definition of beauty, models often develop eating disorders or turn to drugs to help them stay thin. This activity is not always hidden, with drugs and alcohol often found backstage at fashion shows. Designers and agents do not condemn this behaviour because it results in models staying thin. Janice Dickinson, the first American supermodel and now an agent says, â€Å"models are supposed to be thin. They are not supposed to eat. I’ve got 42 models in my agency and I’m trying to get them to lose weight. In fact, I wish they’d come down with some anorexia. I’m not kidding. I’m running into a bunch of fat-assed, lazy little bitches who on’t know how to do the stairs or get their butts into the gym†(Dickinson, 2007). This statement may shock some, but most in the fashion world actually agree with her. Many designers and agents have the same opinion, which is why the models are still under the continuous pressure to be thin. It is not just the models who develop eating disorders, it is also women who aspire to look like them. When teenage rs see models taking drugs instead of eating, it gives them a solution of how to loose weight. A study by the Office of National Drug Control (2007) explains that 71. % of grade eleven students use drugs occasionally. Some of these students also have eating disorder, with 43% of 16-20 year olds diagnosed (General Eating Disorder Statistics, 2005). Even though students are taught about the affects of drugs and dieting at school, this information is over ridden when they see their favourite models doing it. It makes drugs and diets more common and normal. Our society no longer sees a problem with teenagers dieting, encouraging it to stop obesity. Although for many, depression with not having a models figure can lead to unhealthy diets and eating disorders. Unlike average women, often models have fast metabolisms and start dieting so young, that they skip puberty and do not develop properly. Gemma Ward, who is 19, is an example of this. She has a tiny frame, small bust and a figure of someone in their early teens. For a woman with a naturally large frame and slow metabolism, it is very difficult to achieve the appearance of a model. Extensive dieting is needed, which can often lead to eating disorders when weight loss is not happening fast enough. This leads to the question, is all dieting controlled? A diet is defined by Funk Wagnalls Standard Dictionary as â€Å"a regulated course of eating and drinking†(1976, p. 356). While an eating disorder is defined by them as â€Å"loss of appetite resulting in excessive weight loss†(p. 165). An eating disorder can be regulating how much one is eating, say only one meal a day. In this instance, an eating disorder can be hidden as a diet. A tactic used by not only average women, but also models. Websites encouraging people to loose weight is another tactic used to achieve a models body. These websites are mainly forums or active email discussion ists, where images of thin models are posted as an inspiration to keep on dieting. Disturbing thoughts are emailed on these sites such as â€Å"I was recovering but I really want to be thin again, thanks for the boost all the models out there the feeling you get when you see the weight drop and you see bones is like nothing else on earth†(Roslyakova, 2007). This shows how ea sily girls have become warped by the media, endlessly assaulted by images of women who are unnaturally thin. The fashion world is becoming out of control, putting clones of girls on catwalks and in magazines. A trap is being set for generations to come, who will have endless pressures to be thin. Society’s obsession with weight and being thin is slowly being noticed and needs adjusting. With most fashion models thinner than 98% of American women, (Smolak, 1996) society is looking for someone to blame. Designers and agents are the most obvious suspects. They encourage plastic surgery and dieting in order to make more profits. A report by the British Medical Association says that â€Å"models commonly have body fat levels as low as 10%, the average for a healthy woman is 22% to 26%†(‘Models link to teenage anorexia,’ 2000). Designers and agents ignore these results and do not understand that woman with such low fat levels are risking their lives. In 2006, a Uruguay model fell to her death as she left a runway. It is thought that she had a â€Å"diet of lettuce leaves and Diet Coke†(Nussbaum, 2007). Did the designers notice how unhealthy this girl was when they hired her? All they noticed was how their clothes looked like on her. Models are not to blame for this behaviour, it is the designers who are responsible. They are the ones pressuring these girls to be a certain image. If designers asked for heavier models, the girls would put on weight in order to stay hired. This would then take some of the pressure of models to be so thin and allow them to have a healthy lifestyle, while still having a successful career. The public watch fashion shows and they buy clothes that have appeared in magazines and advertisements. When seeing a waif looking model, they no that their weight is unhealthy. Most people understand that these women must be on diets for their entire careers. They agree with the views from doctors and nutritionists that models should â€Å"present a healthy image with at least n 18% Body Mass Index†(Guerra, 2006) in order to stay on catwalks. Although, people keep on buying the clothes they see modelled, not realising that by doing this, they are actually continuing the profits of designers who use anorexic girls to model their clothes. This means that the public are actually encouraging designers to continue. If people stop buying thes e clothes, the designers will be forced to change their models. Models body images have always been an issue in society. They are seen as too thin and are blamed for the high level of eating disorders among young girls. Pressure is put on them by designers and agents to be size 0 and their lives are threatened because of it. Although at times, the issue is not about the models, designers and agents. It is about societies discomfort when exposed to our obsessions with being thin. Designer’s clothes are sold because of how good they look on models. Models are not the only ones who need to change, it is society’s views of perfection and weight. Healthier models need to be hired to promote healthier body images, not just for young girls, but also for aspiring models.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Abstract Is a Deceptive Form of Explanation for Pictures Painted
How His Emotional World Influences His Paintings? Abstract is a deceptive form of explanation for the pictures painted by Zao Wou-ki, it would be perfect to say that the images painted by Zao Wou-ki hovers between abstract and nature. Zao,s maximum painting is based on the representation of the Chinese landscape. The career of Zao Wou-ki is definite by way through which Zao reinterpreted Eastern rudiments from 16 th hundred century of Yuan Dynasty and Sung landscape paintings[1]. Zao intermingled the natural essences these works in combination with the Western oil paints. The prints and paintings of an artist have apparently avoided schema of forms from a landscape, expressing in a way of abstract emotion of the reflections, colors, land harmony, energy, sky, sea and earth. In an International auction Zao received the highest price for his work in the month of April 2013, due its beautiful and splendid use of blue oil painting of the imaginary landscape. He was one of the most traditional Chinese painter in the 20 th century and 21 st century. The painting sold for nearly around USD 4 million at Hong Kong in the month of April, 2013. Though the blue colour was one of the favourite colours used by Zao Wou-Ki, his blue paintings are very famous, and the paintings are also very rare. The famous painter used this blue colour to signify llakes and river in his paintings. Zao Wou-Ki passed away after three days of his best sale. In current period of time, the demand of Zao's lithographs and art in the secondary and primary market is to increasing among collectors irrespective or East or West. Zao Wou-Ki paintings is about the worldly and emotional experiences in which Zao himself is concerned. The world Zao summons up is not entirely detached or different from him. For this cause, Zao's paintings most of the time be read in dual directions, either as an environment of evocation macrocosmic of experience or as expressions of a sincerely personal topography. The last measurement is an abstract aspect about which modern painters in West incline to be different, perhaps dreading the charge of a romanticism of carrier grade[2]. The obligation to the abstract paintings monitored his stay in U.S, where Zou encountered expressionism of abstracts first-hand at the peak of his career. Grasped by it to promise himself physically more to the landscape. Zou worked on a painting in an apparent gestural performance and was careful in constructing fact comparison with the first wife's pictures. Until around 1972 he explored the several possibilities of his tactic, in painting which were latter done a larger scale. On the one side, Zou pushed his previous mood to the final effect of drama, nearly as if looking to encourage himself which it could grip his attention forever. But alongside he has taken the ink painting once more[3]. He had educated to grasp the Chinese brush in his childhood with tremendous achievement and with a certain recurrent influence on his training of oil painting. [1] Russell, Heather. 2013. "Nature And The Art Of Zao Wou-Ki". Art World. [2] Hay, Jonathan. 2003. "Zao Wao-Ki". [3] Hay, Jonathan. 2003. "Zao Wao-Ki".
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Menkiti Group Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Menkiti Group - Term Paper Example The use of company’s assets and supplies are restricted only for the means of conducting its business. Additionally, the use of its equipments shall strictly be in accordance to the company guidelines (W P Carey, 2008). Protecting proprietary and confidentiality information Information generated in the business is regarded as an important asset and are confidential for the company’s use. All the management staffs are therefore coded to maintain this information and its confidentiality entrusted upon them by the stakeholders (W P Carey, 2008). Complying with laws, regulations, policies and procedures The company intends to follow all the rules and regulations of the state. It is further coded as the personal responsibility of all the company officials to follow and maintain the legal specifications dictated by country’s law and order in regard to the company’s mode of operations. If any legal query of civil or criminal nature arises, the employees are direc ted by its code of conduct to cooperate fully to such issues (W P Carey, 2008). ... All business issues identified must be communicated by the employees to the responsible personnel only through the means of company communication system. Employees shall not use the means for their personal purpose. Users are also directed to safeguard all the confidential information generated from such communication (Brookfield, 2013). Responding to media, public and other inquiries Under this provision, employees are restricted to address any issue on behalf of the company unless permitted to do so. Hence, if there is any request from the media for any information pertaining to the company, the employees are directed to refer the same to the company’s communication department. Employees are also restricted from disclosing or commenting to any matter related to the company website on any of the social networking sites (Brookfield, 2013). Discrimination and harassment-free environment Through this code, the company discourages any discrimination on the basis of age, colour, r ace and gender. Such matters are provisioned to be thoroughly investigated and addressed to encourage employees in maintaining a hospitable working environment (Brookfield, 2013). Codes of conduct of Catullus Development Corporation Accounting and reporting Catullus provides fair, accurate and timely disclosure of reports and documents to Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). All employees are therefore expected to comply with the advised accounting procedures when maintaining company’s accounting, corporate books records and reports as well as financial statements. This code also directs that such data must not be inaccurate or altered. Hiding any important information is also discouraged through this code of conduct (Catullus, 2004). Corporate opportunities This code directs that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Algebra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Algebra - Essay Example After doing the calculations (shown above), the answers to the first two expressions turned out to be identical. This is because both the expressions are identities as shown below: The third expression consisted of a fraction, and both were solved simultaneously. After all the values were plugged in the fraction and the final fraction was obtained, it was reduced to its lowest terms by dividing the numerator and the denominator by a common divisor which in this case was 3. Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.): The formula to calculate dose for a child is where D is the adult dosage and a is the child’s age. In order to solve the equation, the given values should be substituted in place of the variables. For part a, D = 75 and a = 5. Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.): To specify the equation of a line, gradient and the y-intercept is required. A parallel line has the same slope as the original line but do not pass through any point of the original line. In the case of y = x + 4, the slope is 1, therefore a parallel line would also have the same slope. The y-intercept is found by plugging the values in the ordered pair. The equation of the parallel line is y = x+8. On the other hand, a perpendicular line cuts the line in such a way that a right angle is formed at the point of intersection. The product of the gradients of the perpendicular lines is equal to -1, which means that the gradient of the perpendicular line is negative reciprocal of the gradient of the original line. In the case of the given equation, the perpendicular line
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Buildings and as we know trees had Essay Example for Free
Buildings and as we know trees had Essay Deforestation is the process of clearing the forest by cutting down the trees for fulfilling different demands. Forest has a vital role in meeting peoples needs. Therefore people usually cut down the trees of the forest without having proper knowledge. Indeed, exploit of land really lend a big helping to grow in economic. For example, exploit of land is for wider develop range, the lands is use to build households, buildings and as we know trees had a very high demand all across the world so by selling the trees the process of developing in country will surely speed up not only the economic but in entire ability. On the other hand, exploit of lands also bring more jobs opportunities, as the buildings increased they had no choice to employ more worker. Although, these activities really did enhance our standard of living however, improper use of the resources leading side effects. see more:trees are our best friends essay in english pdf Deforestation has not always been a major problem, but since the early 1900s it has become more and more of an issue. The percentage of rain-forest is declining since deforestation began. For example, nearly 70% of the area in Brazilian Amazon has been deforested (Butler, 2011). The direct causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion, wood extraction (e.g., logging or wood harvest for domestic fuel or charcoal), and infrastructure expansion such as road building and urbanization, from this the disadvantages of deforestation can basically divide into 3 major effects which are climate change, decrease biodiversity through the destruction of habitat and natural disasters. 1st Counter argue The lands that been exploit can provide the materials for various industries. One of the easiest benefits of deforestation to spot is the economic ones. Lumber products are one of the most staple constructive materials in human society. Whether it is raw lumber used for making tables and houses, or paper and other wood by-products, we simply cannot live without the use of lumber. Through this process country will have more products to sell to foreign countries as well as local too. Forests are also cleared in order to accommodate expanding urban areas with the worlds population growing by leaps and bounds, there is growing demand for land use for residential, agricultural and commercial purposes. Golf courses, resorts, housing projects, farms etc. have replaced some of the areas where there used to be forests (Jones, 2011), with this it can attract more foreign investor and tourisms to invest and expand in our country which is a decent way to boosting the economic. 2rd counter Another advantage of deforestation is its can create more jobs opportunity. The exploiting of lands mostly for commercial purpose which means increasing of transaction will also increase the demand of the workers. This is another benefit of deforestation; it opens more job opportunities for people who would otherwise be unemployed. These job opportunities are more than simply a humanitarian concept; society at large would suffer if all of the people working in the wood industry were to suddenly find them jobless. This benefit of deforestation not only covers the people who cut down trees and process them, but also extends to the people who clean up after them. For every patch of forest cut down, arable land becomes available for farmers, or can be used as an area to place urban living sites like apartments, houses, and buildings. The number of people employed by such a construction project is many and varied. Or, if the city/government mandates replanting trees to replace the lost on es, then jobs are also provided for those people who do the seeding after a patch of forest is stripped (Fiset, 2007). Transition Notwithstanding deforestation is effectively increase the economics of the country, however the unreasonable deforest bring many series side effect to human. Deforestation affects many things, it has ecological, environmental, atmospheric and hydrosphere impacts. When the soil is disturbed by deforestation natural carbon storage systems can be disturbed releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in one go. In areas like the small developing island nations in the Pacific it can be disastrous as many endemic plant and animal species live here, and when land is deforested it disturbs soil causing landslides and disruption to the ecosystem. It also means species are confined to smaller habitats and usually move to higher more dangerous altitudes, some species cannot survive in these conditions and become endangered. It is also harmful to humans as the soil becomes too saturated due to less infiltration from tree roots and it can cause higher risks of flooding on these islands, which are usually very small. The surface runoff from the soil also can harm surrounding corals as the soils water runs out into the surrounding sea via rivers and streams. The soil then settles on the corals causing them to die. During the process it can block fishs gills. 1st Pro arguments Deforestation is a major cause of climate change because it releases huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere contributing to the greenhouse effect. Deforestation and forest degradation are both a cause and a result of climate change. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and use it to grow, but when they decay or burn, carbon dioxide is released again. Decaying plants also produce methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. So deforestation and forest degradation are doubly damaging, because greenhouse gases are released (e.g. through forest fires, or using the cut trees as firewood), while at the same time the number of carbon dioxide absorbing trees are reduced. Thirty percent of the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere over the past 150 years is thought to come from deforestation, but this is a small amount compared to what is still stored in forests. The Canadian and Russian boreal forests alone hold 40 percent of the worlds carbon stocks(deforestation, 2006). Most importantly, deforestation causes a lack of clean air. The lack of clean air plays a big role in many diseases and illnesses that plague this world. By a chain of events, deforestation is responsible for those diseases and illnesses caused by breathing unclean air. Slash and burn agriculture which is one of the most important causes. It also known as swidden or shifting agriculture and it is a traditional method of tending domesticated crops that involves the rotation of several plots of land in a planting cycle. The farmer plants crops in a field for one or two seasons, and then lets the field lie fallow for several seasons. In the meantime, the farmer shifts to a field that has lain fallow for several years, and removes the vegetation by cutting it down and burning itâ€â€hence slash and burn. The ash from the burned vegetation adds another layer of nutrients to the soil, and that with the time resting allows the soil to regenerate. Slash and burn works best in low intensity agriculture, when the farmer has plenty of land that he or she can afford to let lay fallow; and it works best when crops are rotated to assist in restoring thenutrients. It has also been documented in societies where people maintain a very broad diversity of food-generation; that is, where people also hunt game, fish, and gather wild foods (Hirst, 2011). 2rd pro Deforestation does not only affect the climate. The world of academia takes a hard hit as the gene pool is diminished by the extermination of many species of plants and animals as a result of deforestation. Possibilities of exploration are as good as dead with the rapid rate of deforestation. There are many species of plants that have the potential to create medicines that can cure the ailments that there are no cures for at the moment. Deforestation can affect if we can cure such diseases such as AIDS. On a humorous note, those familiar with the Resident Evil franchise know about the virus that causes people to turn into zombies. Deforestation would destroy changes of creating a vaccine for that virus. There are many tribes that live in the forests and live somewhat isolated from society. They do not exploit the forest but cut enough wood to make a living. The non-indigenous people of the forest understand how important it is to preserve the forest and the resources it offers. Their livelihoods are cut short when people that exploit the forest for means of money are added to the equation (The effects of deforestation, 2008) Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. The unique biodiversity of various geographical areas is being lost on a scale that is quite unprecedented. Even though tropical rainforest make up just 6 percent of the surface area of the Earth, about 80-90 percent of the entire species of the world exist here. Due to massive felling of trees, about 50 to 100 species of animals are being lost each day. The outcome of which is the extinction of animals and plants on a massive scale. The effects on animals is very heartbreaking. They not only lose their habitat and protective cover, they are pushed to extinction. Many beautiful creatures, both plants and animals have vanished from the face of the earth (Putatunda, 2011) Third pro Another Example which was lead by deforestation is natural disaster. The most often case we can find out are Floods and Drought. Forests are a life saver, as they absorb a large amount of the rainfall, thereby stopping it from entering the inhabited areas and rivers. The cutting down of trees leads to disruption in the regular flow of water, thus causing floods in some areas, while drought in other areas. For decades, the common perception in hydrology has been that deforestation in such areas made seasonal floods bigger on average, but had little effect on the number of large floods over times, in the interior regions of North America, many creeks and rivers get most of their flow from melting snow accumulated during winter storms in mountainous areas. How much water flows down these streams depends not only on how much snow falls upstream, but how fast the snow melts. But deforestation shines a new – and glaring – light on this water source. While ordinarily the trees keep the melting under control by shielding snow from the sunlight, as soon as you get rid of the trees, the snow melts faster (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2012) Conclusion In the conclusion, the consequences are very unpleasant as every form of life on earth is interlinked with one another. Not only do animals lose their homes, but humans dependent on the local ecology are also affected. The water cycle gets disturbed leading to floods and droughts. People dependent on the forests for their survival lose their livelihood. Global warming is another problem looming over our heads. The causes and its effects of this destructive practice can be stopped to some extent, if we all do our bit towards the environment. Reduce emissions by avoiding use of cars and bikes indiscriminately. Make our factories more cleaner and monitor their emissions. Develop better ways of farming that help increase the yield without having an impact on the neighboring forest areas. Forest management and strict monitoring of tree cutting should be carried out by various government and other nonprofit agencies. Reforestation of lost areas and following sustainable practices will help us balance our green cover. Remember, trees give us life, without them it will be impossible to sustain life.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Prejudice and Racism in Canada Essays -- Sociology Racism Prejudice Es
Racism is a Problem in Canada A few years ago in Smalltown, CA a burning cross was placed in the lawn of a visible minority family. Although the media seemed shocked at this explicit racial attack and portrayed the attackers as a group of abnormal, twisted deviants, I was not surprised. As an Asian student who is writing her Sociology honours thesis on visible minorities in Canada, I know on a personal and academic level that racism in Canada does exist. Although explicit racial incidents are not a common occurrence, they do happen. Here at school, a visible minority student left the school when a car sped past her, while the young men inside shouted racial slurs. Two weeks ago The school paper published an article about a group of International students who experienced racially motivated discriminatory service at restaurant. Last month I attended a meeting about racism, and a number of students related explicit stories about experiencing racism in Tinyville. More often, racism is expressed in subtle ways, and is not recognized as racism. Although social scientists do not like using the term race since it is a socially constructed category based on inaccurate assumptions about phenotypical and biological differences between human groups, race still holds social currency since perceived racial differences leads to unequal power, privilege, and social prestige. Ignoring race would mean ignoring the reality of racism. Racism takes forms that include social ostracism, employment discrimination, and racial prejudice. One Mt. A student related experiencing social ostracism and prejudice at Mt.A. "People are less willing to get to know me and most people view Black people negatively. 'Yo, whatsup?!' That stereotypical treat... ...ral nation. Multiculturalism is unfortunately only a vague discourse that tokenizes cultures, ignoring the reality of racial conflict. Mary Pipher, discussing sexism, observes that "The lip service paid to equality makes the reality of discrimination even more confusing." Although overt forms of racism are rare, covert forms of prejudice and discrimination against visible minorities still exist. Further, racism is not only evident in individuals, but on institutional and national levels. Although it is tempting to ignore racism and deny that it exists, ignoring racism will not make it go away. Source: Miedema, Baukje (Bo) and Evangelina Tastsoglou. "But Where Are You From Originally? Immigrant Women and Integration in the Maritimes." Atlantis 24.2 (Spring/Summer 2000): 82-91. 25 Jan. 2003.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Animals Have Souls!
Alexis Clendenin Gabriel 21 March, 2013 English IV Senior Project Animals have souls. Should Animal Experimentation for Medical Research be banned? Throughout history, animal experimentation has played an imperative role in leading to new discoveries and human advantages. However, many people tend to forget the great numbers of animal that have suffered serious damage during the process of experimentation. Many people misunderstand the nature the lives that animals actually live, and are unable to understand the actual laboratory procedures and techniques.Animal experimentation should be excluded because it is inhumane, unethical, and there are safer ways to test products. According to the latest US statistics, â€Å"Nearly one million animals were tortured, mutilated and killed in US laboratories in 2009. †(Business Wire) The most common animals used for experimentation are mice, rats, rabbits, primates, dogs, cats; no animal is safe from experimentation. (PETA) Animals shoul d be roaming free, not lying in a cold cage not knowing what’s about to transpire upon them. In the laboratory, animals are compelled to inhaling, ingesting getting injected with lethal substances. PETA) Humans have stronger rights than animals since we can reason rationally. We use animals to eat them, play with them, and wear their skins. Most vital, we use them as test subjects for medical purposes. The research has led us to discoveries which have saved millions of lives. The outcomes have led to immunizations against polio, mumps, hepatitis, diphtheria, and rubella; which have saved countless lives. (Gale, 2) Researching animals is crucial for scientists, medical societies, and health agencies all over the world to enhance the lives of humans. Government regulations around the world require that new drugs, vaccines and surgical implants first be tested in animals for potential toxic reactions. †(Gale, 1) The testing of animals is the only guaranteed way we can con tinue our production of safe medicines. Without animal testing scientists cannot be optimistic that all medicines on the market are safe and reliable. To be helpful to human beings, the drugs should be tested using human cells, tissues, and organs. Recent technological developments made it possible to replace experimenting on animals.The use of cell culture, analytical technology, micro-organism tests, and computer models are some examples of additional approaches for medical research. (O’Neill, 2) Scientists only want to obtain the best results and that is why they test on animals. Animals and humans can have the similar medical issues. (Gale, 1)†Opposition to all animal testing would require a life without drugs, vaccines, painkillers, anesthetics, and surgery. †(Gale 2) If we didn’t have any treatments to any illnesses, would the human species survive? The answer is unknown.Every day in the United States animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to strugg le for survival. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve. Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. To grow as a nation, we must fight for these abused animals' rights and severely punish heartless owners. It is up to us to speak for these creatures who lack a voice, for who will if we don't?One of the first steps in protecting animals and creating effective cruelty laws is knowing what animal cruelty actually is. There are two categories: passive cruelty and active cruelty. The first involves acts of omission, meaning the abuse happens as a result of neglect or lack of action. Passive cruelty might seem less serious, but that is not the case; it can lead to terrible pain and suffering, and ultimately death. Examples include starvation, dehydration, untreated parasite infestations, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and the failure to get medical care.Passive cruelty is sometimes due to the owner's ignorance, so many animal control officers will first try to educate neglectful owners on how to properly care for animals before giving them a citation or placing them under arrest. Active cruelty, on the other hand, is more well known and disturbing. Sometimes referred to as non-accidental injury, this type of abuse involves purposefully inflicting harm on an animal in order to feel more powerful or gain control.Active cruelty against animals should be taken very seriously, since it can be a sign that a person has serious psychological issues and may commit more acts of violence – possibly against humans. It is hard to tell just what drives people to harm innocent animals. â€Å"According to a 1997 study done by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Northeastern University, animal abusers are five times more likely to commit violent crime s against people and four times more likely to commit property crimes than are individuals without a history of animal abuse,†says Pet-abuse. om. It is vital to report people who hurt animals. Most animal abusers find some sort of fulfillment or power in torturing a victim they know can't fight back, which is why crimes like rape and child molestation are committed. While not all animal abusers become serial killers or rapists, it is important to take every case seriously. For example, Carroll Edward Cole was a West Coast serial killer who may have murdered as many as 35 women in the 1970s and was executed in 1985. Based on Cole's testimony, his first violent act was strangling a puppy.The Columbine school shooting is another example of animal abuse as a precursor to human violence. Before killing 12 classmates and then turning the guns on themselves, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebod had bragged to friends about mutilating animals. If these acts had been reported to authorities a nd taken seriously, these two young men might have been put in a proper facility and helped, possibly avoiding the horrific massacre. Given these examples, it's hard to imagine why all states don't take animal cruelty seriously. Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Dakota have no felony provisions for cruelty to animals.According to the Humane Society, a good felony anticruelty law should protect all animals, apply to first-time offenders, carry large fines and lengthy prison time, have no exemptions, require convicted abusers to get counseling at their own expense, and prohibit abusers from owning or living among animals. Along with these laws we need officials who will strongly enforce them. Police, psychologists, and even the FBI recognize the link between animal cruelty and violence against people. To better protect communities, all states should institute strong penalties and work to increase public awareness of these crimes.It's not only up to the lega l system to ensure that communities across the country are aware and educated about animal cruelty. There are plenty of things everyday citizens can do. The simplest action is for people to take care of their own pets and learn the facts so they can educate others on proper animal care. Another easy way to help is by donating to or volunteering at a local animal shelter. Contrary to popular belief, volunteering doesn't require a lot of time; simply going in a few hours a week helps tremendously.Finally, by writing letters you can remind your local lawmakers that animal abuse is a real problem that needs to be addressed. Taking a few minutes to support this worthy cause not only helps animals, it allows you to feel proud about standing up for something so important to society. It is our job to be the voice for creatures who cannot speak up for themselves. As a nation we need to make it our priority to come together and ensure the safety of our beloved pets. As Margaret Mead once said , â€Å"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. â€
Saturday, November 9, 2019
To What Extent Has the World Trade Organisation Helped?
The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1995 after the Uruguayan Round. It embodies the international organization which deals with a wider range of aspects related to the international trade. The WTO controls the international trading system. It represents an evolved instrument of negotiation in comparison with the preceding General Agreements on Trade on Tariff and Trade (GATT). Hoekman, B. M. & Kostecki, M. M. (2009) WTO includes many important improvements on economic issues, disciplines and commitments of the international negotiation in addition it shape the current Multilateral Trading System (MTS).United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2008) Reports have shown that WTO was creating a favorable condition for business in Peru during the last 10 years. WTO (2007) since the beginning as member of WTO Peruvian governments have express their interest to continue doing necessary improvement in its legislation in order to achieve a completely integration to the global market as well as liberation of trade, WTO (2007) actively participation in negotiations and integration agreements is evidence of that.For instance Peru has bilateral agreements in force with: Unites States of America, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Singapore, China, South Korea, Thailand, Japan, Panama, Andean community (CAN), Asia pacific Cooperation Forum (APEC) Latin America Integration association (LAIA), MERCOSUR, agreements signed with : Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala, European Union, and Agreements in negotiation: El Salvador, Honduras, Doha program, Pacific alliance.WTO. org (2012 Foreign capitals entering to the local market in Peru are steadily increasing as result of trade negotiations also it has made possible to some local industries access to the international market. However Peru still depends on commodities exportation, for example traditional products that are mainly agricultural and minerals such as Cooper, gold, oil and fish meal represent the 75. 7% and n ontraditional products such as textiles and agro industrials products represents 23. 92 %. INEI (2012) in my view this may bring negative consequences to the local economy if Peru remain exporting non value added goods. Since 1995 Peru is a member of the WTO, WTO. org (2012). Agreements were incorporated to the Peruvian legislation 1996 however due to internal political troubles It was not possible to see the real impact of these agreements until 2002.At that time deep concern in the government in turn made to undertake political reforms in order to promote a major participation of the country into the WTO. During the period from 2000 to 2002 Peru experienced grow of the domestic products (GDP) of 4. 6 %, a slightly increment from 2002 and 2006 of 5. 8 % however after coming into effect important bilateral and regional agreements the GDP grew 7. 8 % in 2010.MICETUR (2012) WTO plays the role of international intermediary between developing and developed economies bringing apparently favorable condition to less developing world when facing negotiation for instance in the DOHA round of November of 2012 emerged the initiative to help developing countries by launching the Doha program which aim to find solutions to important issues affecting developing countries such as obstacle to access to international market of agricultural products, development of the agriculture industry by technical assistance, enhance the capacity, dispute settlement and industrial tariffs as well as services.United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2008) To conclude WTO propose the legal framework to create better conditions especially during commercial negotiations to achieve the development however Countries requires improve its capacities in order to be competitive and capable to avail this benefits.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A summary of the georgia odyssey essays
A summary of the georgia odyssey essays Most people believe that Georgia was founded by nothing more than criminals, but James C. Cobb tells us how he took great offense to that fact or not when actually there was not very many criminals that sailed to Georgia when Oglethorpe received the charter to settle Georgia. Shortly after Georgia was established its population began to grow, and because the state had to become another South Carolina in order to make money, people in the state began to argue about the laws that were placed when they arrived, such as, the restriction on rum and the slave trade. Obviously, those laws were relaxed and the slave trade became one of Georgias most profitable trades. By the 1940s Georgia began to modernize and cotton was no longer the cash crop, but peanuts and poultry would take its place. Industry also was beginning to take part in Georgia at the time due to World War II, by 1950 low-wage industries accounted for 83 percent of the states manufacturing jobs. By the 1970s this figure was down to 67 percent, although twenty years later it still stood at 60 percent. Between 1989 and 1992, ninety-eight hundred jobs were lost across the state of Georgia, but Georgia quickly bounced back. Any type of military base is a vital part of Georgian economy, they account for 20 percent or more of total earnings. Also other changes began to take place in Georgia. People began to make more money and they began to see other things that were around in Atlanta, such as, a fast-food chain...McDonalds, Hardees, KFCs, and Pizza Huts start to pop up due to the economic growth. Another established place where everyone has been once in his or her life a Wal-Mart; Cobb said that there is evidence of change...Yet Georgia still has its hospitality such as, pulling over while a funeral procession passes by quoted Cobb. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Other Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Other - Essay Example a. Cash flow estimation: This step involves determining the annual net operating flows that are expected when a project becomes operational, the outlays of investment, and the cash outflows that will be associated with the project upon its termination. A lot of variables are involved in the determination of cash flow forecast and as such requires the participation of several individual and departments of an organization. To a greater number of health care organizations, this step would be the most complicated and demanding one as it is always difficult to determine the projections of costs and revenues of large and complex projects accurately. The other rationale for qualifying this stage as the most challenging to the organizations is that it usually hard to overstate the difficulty or importance of correctly determining the forecast for the project’s cash flows (Berger, 2008). Consequently, this stage requires proper analysis, not unless the firm’s costs may outweigh the revenues thus, likely to result into cannibalization. In effect, the firm may underestimate the true profitability of the project by not recognizing its strategic value which is the value of future opportunities of investment that the health care firm may undertake only if the current project is accepted. b. Conducting a replacement analysis: Replacement analysis deals with replacement decisions, which are made when considering a new asset that replaces and old asset. The analysis of the replacement cash flow is complex and so might turn a challenge to the health care organizations. When compared to the expansion decision, the health care organization may find that the replacement is more complex as it must consider all the cash flows from the existing asset. By the organization considering its operating flows, it shall find that the incremental flows are the cash flows expected from the replacement assets less
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Assessment and Application of International Affairs Theories Essay
Assessment and Application of International Affairs Theories - Essay Example ce of international relations in the society, mainly the application of the IR theories in the aforementioned fields has immensely shaped human existence. The theoretical frameworks within the discipline assist in the explanation of the global activities/events, the identification of the most important international actors, and the different means of exertion of influence from the international platform. Moreover, the IR theories assist nations or heads of states and their foreign policy advisors during the conduction of foreign policy. There exist different IR theories that work towards the presentation of the critical events and happenings around the world. These theories assist governments in the processes of policy making, relations with other governments, and activities that occur among nations. These theories include liberalism, neo-liberalism, classical realism, constructivism, post-structuralism, Marxism, and post-modernism. These are not, however, the only IR theories. While some may be insufficient in the explanation of the aforementioned, there are theories that can be combined to offer an articulate elucidation of global events, government relations and foreign policy, and the issue of power and interaction. Among the outlined theories, liberalism, classical realism, and post structuralism are the most effective in the explanation the contemporary and past experiences in the world, and the actors that exert international influence. In addition, these theories are the most effective in offering heads of states the assistance they need in conducting foreign policy. The application of the liberalism theoretical framework of the international theory can offer an articulate explanation of the relations among governments, and major occurrences that involve decisions by the heads of states. The development of theory emanates from the society’s quest to explain the relations through the disregard of classical realism. However, emphasizes on the exploration
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